

We will contact you within 24 hours, please be patient

Dongguan jieda Machinery Co., LTD
  • Address: No.4, Xitou Dong Yi Huan Road, Houjie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
  • E-mail: jieda.foreigntrade@gmail.com
  • Mobile: 13825731950 Mr. Zhou
  • Mobile: 13871758140 Xugong


It's a pleasure, because we have your attention. Also, congratulations, you may have an opportunity to work with a truly professional company. Therefore, it is very important to understand the following cooperation principles for the quality of each other's work, to understand our way of doing things and thinking, can avoid conflicts in the future cooperation, speed up efficiency. Help each other, trust each other, can realize the beautiful blueprint.




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